It’s a New Year – people started talking about making their New Year Resolutions last year already. In fact many people made them and some kept them. Some people make resolutions and keep them for a day or two then toss them out and make new ones – other people make them and they last all year, I think most people fall somewhere in between those two extremes. It usually takes me a month to come up with a New Year Resolution I want to keep. I don’t usually start making the list until the 1st, it grows for a week or two and then I start paring it down and by the end of January I have one selected. Some people like to tell everyone what their resolution is and other people like to keep it more private. It’s good to have at least one person you can feel comfortable sharing it with because that can help in the area of accountability. But – it’s also good to learn how to keep yourself accountable. For a period in my life I chose not to make any resolutions because it seemed I always broke it. . . that made me feel like a failure and only added to the stress I already felt in my life. Not making resolutions is like not setting goals and I didn’t feel like I ‘grew’ or ‘matured’ during the years I didn’t set resolutions. I guess what I’m trying to say in a nutshell is – don’t be afraid to make resolutions – most people fail forward in life anyway – so go ahead – set a goal – and don’t beat yourself up if you don’t reach it – just get up and set another one – – – – keep growing forward in your life.
Making a list of resolutions and then choosing one can be revealing – It can reveal the deepest and the simplest desires of your heart and soul.
Making a list of resolutions can be revolutionary. Setting resolutions can be a little like walking a labrynth – that’s what I mean by revolutionary, walking in circles where you meet yourself at different stages of growth – you move to the center and then find yourself walking back out only to be invited back for another go around . . .
Anyway – enjoy making your list of resolutions and selecting one – Good luck in keeping it and God be with us as we Grow through the year!
– June