There is alot of talk about wisdom in the bible. One of my favorite verses is Matthew 11:19 which states how wisdom is determined, how it’s discerned and identified – by actions.
When I chose the subtitle of my book, Praying Our Way Through Stress, I chose ‘Drawing Wisdom from the Lord’s Life and Prayer’ because of…..
Well, here we are at The End of another year on the calendar and another year of our lives. And, we’re also at The Beginning of another year on the calendar and another year of our lives.
No matter what your year was like – remember – it was blessed and nothing entered your life that God was not aware of. Maybe you don’t like some of the things that have happened. Maybe you don’t understand them. Maybe you…..
This teaching is recorded in Mark 13:1-37. Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives with his disciples, looking at the temple. One of the disciples had commented on how magnificent the buildings looked. Jesus told them the buildings weren’t going to last, that every stone would be thrown down eventually.
Peter, James, John and Andrew wanted to know when and what sign…..
Jesus rode the colt into Jerusalem and everyone who heard about his coming laid palm branches down and shouted ‘Hosanna in the highest!”
What did they mean when they were shouting those words? When I was growing up I thought Hosanna was a praise word – I understood they were praising Jesus. When I became a student of the Word as an adult I…..
Some people think that Lenten traditions of discipline and the Christian life of repentance is all drudgery. Some think it’s about self-debasing or self-loathing and that we walk around with heavy sacks laden with remorse and sin on our backs. But that isn’t what lent and repentance is about. No, the season of Lent and the action of repentance is about lightening our loads. The season is…..
Yesterday in my post I referenced Romans 6 and mentioned the subtitle of part of the Chapter – “Slaves to Righteousness” – later in the day I read an article saying that Christians can turn people off talking about righteousness. I’ve heard the same kind of thing said about Christians in pursuit of justice. I think the truth is better said that some Christians are called to speak,…..
In Paul’s 2nd Letter to Timothy he writes that all Scripture is God-breathed and useful for training in righteousness (3:16). I found myself reflecting on this verse last night and early this morning. It seems to me that the Lenten season of Repentance is a tradition that is useful for training for righteousness. Some of things we choose to change about our behaviors and activities in our Lenten Season may…..
Some people might still be working on New Years Resolutions –
In my book there is a Chapter describing the manifestations of unresolved stress. It’s quite revealing and a good ‘self-inventory’ to take. The list can help you choose a focus and direction.
Sometimes we don’t know the cause of the stress until…..
It’s a New Year – people started talking about making their New Year Resolutions last year already. In fact many people made them and some kept them. Some people make resolutions and keep them for a day or two then toss them out and make new ones – other people make…..