Today is 9/11/2017. Many people are remembering 9/11 and honoring the victims, first responders and survivors of the places where the terrible events took place.
I’d like to take some time to remember the countless people who survived the events from a distance. The healthcare workers and emergency workers who watched, who wanted to go help, but had to stay behind to help the people…..
This Lenten Season I have taken up a new kind of writing. I am learning Haiku poetry. When I first started reading Haiku I thought, I don’t understand this kind of poetry and that bothered me. The writers group gave a challenge of writing some and I wanted to avoid it because it was…..
This is something I am learning well. I have received positive and negative feedback from having published this book. Some people who know me think that I’m being a little ‘self-righteous’ in publishing this book. I never really understand people who think this about me because I know I am not perfect and am in need of the Lord’s strength, grace, love, forgiveness and power – I know I’m a sinner in need of the Lord. This book in no way…..
That’s a good question that I hadn’t really considered while I was writing it. I could have written (and I have, but they aren’t published – yet). It just seemed like I had to write this book. I guess there are several – the introduction of the book explains one of the reasons. But there is probably more to that. I think I…..